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Amish Fat Club


Five weeks! Brother Hezekiah was weighed in for the fifth time at the Colorado Cafe for their Halloween Bash on Friday, October 28th. It was discovered at the beginning of the show that Hezekiah had been feeling the Halloween spirit a little TOO much and had been enjoying some snack cakes. He fessed up and swallowed his pride (and a bite of the snack cake) before stepping on the scale.

Twinkies are the work of the devil.

Remember, five weeks ago, Brother Hezekiah started off at a robust 265 pounds.

And his weight was...
(hold your mouse over the scale to find out)

Brother Hezekiah X is melting away like the so many ice cream cones that got him here in the first place. The next weigh in is where it all started, The Ringside Pub on Friday, November 4th. Be there (or be someplace else)!

Click here for the next report.


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Represented by Atomic Music Group - - (818) 617-2228 x 800


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