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Amish Fat Club


We returned to where the Amish Fat Club started, The Ringside Pub, on Friday, November 11th for Hezekiah's sixth weigh-in. He started, just six weeks before, at 265 pounds.

Hezekiah steps on the DuraScaleTM

Would Hezekiah's dramatic weight loss continue or, as we come full circle at the Ringside Pub, would be become even MORE of a circle? Last week, Hezekiah weighed in at 238 pounds.

And his weight was...
(hold your mouse over the scale to find out)

The loss continues! As some of you know, we spent two days last week in Atlantic City, the latest being Sunday the 6th (after this weigh in) where Hezekiah admitted "messing up," which is tough NOT to do in the land of cheap buffets and all-night sandwich joints. One thing we do know, if he keeps this up, before we know it Hezekiah will once again look how he did when he went on vacation to sunny California back in 2002:

Be at Tommy Fox's on Friday, November 11th for the latest weight!

Click here for the next report.


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Represented by Atomic Music Group - - (818) 617-2228 x 800


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