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Amish Fat Club


Things fell off a bit with The Amish Fat Club in the wake of all the holiday madness. Hezekiah's last documented weigh in was on Friday, November 11th at Tommy Fox's in Bergenfield, NJ and the much-belated report is as follows.

Hezekiah does the Macarena on the DuraScaleTM

After doing the scale-dance for a few moments, his weight was...
(hold your mouse over the scale to find out)

That is a grand total of 40 POUNDS!! That's a lot of snack cakes, people! There is a marked difference in Hezekiah's appearance and energy at every show. When we first launched the Amish Fat Club, we put up a "before & after" type photo comparing Hezekiah's physique back in 2003 to March of 2005. Reviewing the photos, it is shocking to see how much Hezekiah looks closer to how he did in the first photo! Submitted for your consideration:

Brother Hezekiah
September 2003

Brother Hezekiah
March 2005

Brother Hezekiah
November 2005

Of course, the real test now is how Hezekiah fares after the holiday feasting. His next weigh-in will be on Friday, December 2nd at Mulcahy's in Wantagh, NY.

Click here for the next report.


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