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Amish Fat Club



The Amish Fat Club has ended. On Friday, September 30th, 2005 The Amish Fat Club was launched at The Ringside Pub in Caldwell, NJ. This past Friday, December 9th, it was declared to be over.

Brother Hezekiah's final weight was approximately 215 lbs, down FIFTY POUNDS from 265! It is through the support of all of you good folks that he was able to do this (of course, along with a lot of hard work). Hezekiah looks better, feels better, and has been much more energetic on stage. Of course, as the universe works, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and we are sad to say that Ben & Jerry's stock has taken a steady plunge over the past three months.

Hezekiah celebrated his weight loss by doing the world's slowest headspin.

At his robust 265 pounds, it is clear that Hezekiah could not have pulled off this feat of gymnastic expertise.

The visual difference is also very pronounced:

Hezekiah at the Ringside
September 30th, 2005

Hezekiah at the Ringside
December 9th, 2005

We are all VERY proud of Hezekiah, and thank you all for your support of The Amish Fat Club. Each report is still available to be reviewed if you would like to see how the club progressed. Click here to see the last report.

Happy holidays, everyone! We'll see you at a revival soon!

                Hugs and kisses,

                The Amish Outlaws


Click here for the big wrap-up!


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Represented by Atomic Music Group - - (818) 617-2228 x 800


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